You know that mental cold that we all come down with now and again and don’t quite know how to fight it. Most of the time we don’t even know what caused it. Here are the most common daily symptoms of recognising if you are a regular sufferer of this cold:
- Unnecessary annoyed feeling
- Uncertainty
- Low self esteem
- Anxiety
- Feeling that I could have done more
- Not achieving your full potential
- Making wrong decisions
- Always fighting with the clock
- Lack of motivation
There are many factors that influence your thoughts in the day, your thought process and how you respond to situations. Without even realising it, you have set the tone of the day before you have even started the day.
How many times have we attended to things that could have waited for later. Whilst we are still semi-conscious lying in our beds in the morning, a time when the mind is highly suggestive, we have already gone through our WhatsApp and texts, read all our messages, responded to some, checked Facebook, twitter, Instagram, liked posts, shared posts and are now fully aware of what the rest of the world is doing or about to do when we haven’t even jumped out of bed yet.
In the background, our thought process has already started ticking and is already setting on what we need to do in the day and what has annoyed us, what we wished we were doing that others have said they are doing on social media. The truth of the matter is; the damage of the day is done; the tone of the day is set.
You know when you haven’t taken your vitamins and the immune system is already weak and you think you are ready for the flu, but you’re not! Well this is what you are doing here; the mental immune system isn’t even ready to deal with all these bugs which you have just exposed it to.
Here is my prescribed daily elixir to build your mental immune system to deal with the daily bugs. But first there are four things to avoid first thing in the morning before consuming this:
- Avoid reading social media first thing – this will in no doubt influence your thoughts of the day especially if it is negative.
- Avoid reading the news.
- Avoid reading your WhatsApp/ Texts – what anyone is saying to you, what is happening, what anybody is needing of you will occupy your mind as soon as it is read. It will determine what you may need to do immediately or in the course of the day. This can wait.
- Avoid reading emails – especially if they are work related.
This elixir is to be consumed first thing in the morning after jumping out of bed to have maximum benefits for positive thought and grounding of positivity and maximum protection against negativity throughout the day.
Please allow 30 – 45 mins for this each morning.
Here is the process:
- Reflect – take a few moments of reflecting on yourself, who you are. where you are and where you want to be. It’s a reminder we need every day to stay focused in our journey.
- Think of three positive things about yourself – this is the ingredient to protect yourself from low self-esteem.
- Remind yourself of 3 blessings in your life – very important as it ascertains how lucky you really are which we can tend to forget when we constantly are comparing ourselves with others who may be assumingly in a better place than us.
- Set a few goals for the day – you are the one who can empower your day and prioritise it.
- Be kind to yourself – bad patches and changes do not last forever, you can only do your best in each situation.
- Have a good mindful breakfast – plan your breakfast, sit down to eat and enjoy it.
- Few chores – always a good feeling to return back to a tidy and clean house after work or school run.
Repeat this daily for a healthy mind-set ready to face any challenges of the day.